Digital Scrapbook through Photobook

Years ago, I frequently print photos so i can have something to look back after years. But as of todays' generation, technologies keep on upgrading and most people preferred to keep their pictures on computers or mobile phones (which is cost efficient). However, There's a chance that it would be crash and delete, i do not want it to happen without having any back ups!

I discovered making photobook through Sheena, I decided to make photobook for special happenings that I want to remember (especially travel photos). The last time I made is my Ilocos travel.  Making photobook is like a scrapbook. I will decide what kind of designs I want. From my perspective, it is more cost efficient than printing photos one by one. I even made a photo book at for my mother on her recent travel with her friends!
I really enjoy editing and designing it (I lack on caption because my mom cannot remember the places). She was ecstatic when she saw the photobook (She even want to give her friends a copy). On the last photobook I made, I use photoshop to design. Whereas, In this photobook, I directly made it in have an application to design it, they have various backgrounds, cliparts and layouts to choose. It is also beginner friendly. 

I received my order in not more than two weeks. The color of the photos turns vibrant and exactly how i design it. Furthermore, I prefer now doing photobooks than printing photos one by one! As technologies upgraded so printing does. :) Furthermore, I recently accept photobooks projects, from layout to printing. Just browse on my IG (photobook.meg) 

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