Pink Sugar, Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review

Pink Sugar Queen Bee
Pink Sugar is brand-new local beauty brand for Pinays of all ages. If you’re fierce, fun, and quality-conscious but on a tight budget, we dare you not to fall in love with this entire line. Marked by catchy names and creative packaging, each product provides good-for-you benefits in a wide selection of wearable colors curated by makeup experts to complement Filipina skin. Pink Sugar products are free of parabens and not tested on animals.

Pink Sugar, Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review

Sugar Tint Queen Bee
This shade is always sold out and i'm thankful that i got it before it runs out of stock. Im inlove with their packaging, pink and green— its my favorite color anyways. When i first try this, the smell reminds me of my childhood favorite candy which i had a hard time on remembering the candy's name... And its the nerds candy! Sugar Tint dries very very quick, literally. After i apply, it is already dry even i'm not yet finish on applying other areas of my lips and really hard to remove because when i first try this i over apply it outside my lips and i need to use makeup remover to fix it. 

Pink Sugars also have Eyeshadow palette, Face Powder, BB creams, Eyebrow mascara, Eyeliner, Creamy Matte lipstick, HD Lipstick and Blush on. And on my current wishlist is their eyeshadow palette.

Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review
What i like:
  • The smell!! Its my first time to experience a makeup smells like candy and im wondering what's the smell of the other shade and other makeup products from them.
  • One layer is enough and even it dries quickly, this is not drying on lips. But if you have crack or dry lips, use a lip balm or moisturizer before applying since its matte finish. 
  • Transfer proof and light weight.
  • I love the length of their applicator compared to nyx lipcream
  • Its a local brand! Loving local products.
  • More shades to choose.
Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review
Tried it on my cheek

Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review
What i don't like:
  • Dries very very quick, i'm not good on applying lipstick, i always surpass my lips and i need to use makeup remover to remove the excess. But i think, lip liner will be my bestfriend?
  • On cheeks, it feels sticky at first and it is hard to spread because it dries too quick.

Sugar Tint in Queen Bee review

Availability: Beautymnl, SM MOA, Makati, Aura, Manila, Marilao, Bacoor, Watsons Festival Mall, Landmark Makati and Trinoma.
Price: 349php

*This is not a sponsored post


  1. Thesis a gorgeous color on you! and I appreciate that you reviewed how it smelled. I won't buy a product unless I think it smells great!

  2. Very nice colour!

  3. Such a gorgeous color! I adore it!


    Tamara -

  4. I love the colour. It is so pretty.



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