Mini Skirts Outfit ideas | StyleWe

Sometimes, i allow my legs to take a rest from wearing skinny jeans since my leg's hair become curly (haha) when i wear pants/skinny jeans. I give them time to breath by wearing skirts, i also love wearing skirt because of my big thigh, its true that it's nice to wear skirt when you have big legs/thigh. I just wear short underneath so i can move freely. Here's some of my outfit ideas on wearing mini skirts

StyleWe Outfit ideas
I have a thing on any polka dots! Hehe. I will love this outfit to wear on Christmas day or new year's eve.. and the plain tshirt with see-through design can look more elegant if you're going to tuck it in since the skirt is high waist. 
StyleWe Outfit ideas
Wearing Jumper Short can be struggle when you are about to go on comfort room, but no more on this Jumper Skirt; no more taking off the top. I think this is really a good combination, a fitted crop top and a jumper skirt. This outfit is more like a sporty look.
StyleWe Outfit ideas
If i don't have color coding/strict uniform at work, this could be possibly i will wear. I like the unique style of skirt and i will wear something eye catching necklace (or pearl necklace) to make the simple t-shirt more elegant and partner it with at least two inches heels.

Outfit is from StyleWe. Visit their Facebook and Instagram for more outfit ideas.


  1. I do relate on that, taking a break for the legs hair! it is funny, my boyfriend isn't that fond of leg hair, but yeah, what can he do. We Filipinas dont shave or wax them.

    Skirts are pretty. Boost out our femininity. And also, i love wearing them even just going to malls. :D


  2. Hahaha. I have curly hair on my legs too i want to wear skirts or dress but I'm so shy bec. of that. �� ig giveaway bring me here


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