Nyx matte lip cream in Antwerp Review

"Neither lipstick nor lip gloss, this matte lip cream is a new kind of lip color that goes on silky smooth and sets to a matte finish. Soft Matte Lip Cream is surprisingly durable and unlike some matte lipstick formulas also moisturizing." -www.nyxcosmetics.com

Love at first buy, i just saw about this lipstick on instagram then asked someone to buy it for me since Nyx is not yet available in my province and this become my everyday lipstick .. A lot of people who notice my lip color wanna have give a try or they ask what shade/lipstick i used. 
bare lips
its matte finish, very pigmented, dries quickly and you don't need to re-apply time to time, the color stays for a long time but remember to apply any lip balm or lip moisturizer before using if you have dry lips. . Im really satisfied with this matte lip cream! I already finished two of this :)


  1. Such a pretty color. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. Very cool shade of lip gloss, I really like it :)

    xoxo, Nastya Deutsch


  3. my best friend uses these as well and they look really nice, might have to get some :)

    danielle | avec danielle

  4. This lip color looks really nice and NYX has great quality too!


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