Colorful New Year

My first outfit post for 2014! Hoping and believing that my 2014 will be as colorful as my dress im wearing here :) I have realizations when 2014 enters which i want to share here.

My arms, tummy and face is getting bigger :(  I really need to go on diet which is hard to do (for me), but pls can someone motivate me? :(
Few months more until I finish my college years, need to study more harder so i can get my diploma :) and Its 3months left until the Nursing Board Exam, i hope i can have the license this June.
I'll be more super independent once i graduated, i'll be looking for jobs and work for my family - my way on returning their sacrifices (I have a lot of dreams for them!)

Dream and Achieve, i don't want my dreams will be only dreams. 
Dress: Dresslink | Necklace: Dresslink | Shoes: Zanea


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